I just started poking around the site recently, and so I've been thinking about how much our money handling skills impact our lives; about why it is one of the top five sources of marital conflict; about why Jesus talked so much about money. Here's a few thoughts to ponder with me...
Is it really true that my heart goes where I spend my money?
What does it mean to be content?
What does it mean to be grateful with great wealth?
What does it mean to be wise with great wealth?
Do I believe that contentment is related to wealth? (Corollary: Do I feel guilty of the poor because I believe they are incapable of contentment without wealth?)
Why do I work? What benefits and goals am I pursuing?
Ramsey has a quote to the effect of "The purpose of job benefits is to be a benefit to us. There's no point in pursuing benefits that don't benefit our interests, nor of paying a higher cost than the benefit's worth."
"A Penny Saved...is Worthless"
I'll remember that next time I find a penny in your sofa.
I suppose that depends on how much value you place on chucking change at people. ;)
I love Dave Ramsey. We listen to him on the radio all the time. My parents are actually taking one of his classes at Riv. I enjoy him much better than Larry Burkett's organization. I think Dave has some really good advice, and he seems to know what he is talking about. (A good hint, is listen to somebody like Dave Ramsey, just before you go shopping. You don't feel like spending so much).
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