Saturday, July 01, 2006

Depraved, depraved I tell you

So here's a thought provoking article looking at the idea of innate goodness in people:
Freakonomics Depravity. What can I say...statistics and theology. What's not to like?

As a side note, I'm tracking interest in the Geisha vs church discussion. Here's a few stats:

Number of requests: 11
Average requests/person: <2
Average requests/person/week: <0.6
Average request/post: 2
# comments attempting flattery/manipulation/interest with thoughtful interactions with the post at hand prior to demand: 1


Anonymous said...

I say you need to make Katie's week complete.


Anonymous said...

blah blah blah..

Giesha's and church.. Eh???
Hmm. still no answer.


Maybe you just don't go to the right church.. alternatively, have you considered a primarily asian church?