Sunday, October 08, 2006

Fear will keep the local politicians in line

Fear of this electorate.

So in light of recent scandals sweeping the Congress, it occurred to me that what is needed is to simple vote out the Congressional GOP leadership team. Make a stunning example of how unacceptable this level of leadership is. Actually, there's a pretty long list of governance that I think the populace should be pretty put out about. But if campaign finance reform, responsible spending and integrity aren't bottom level issues, surely we can at least hold congressional leadership to the same standard we're holding the Catholic church.

No, I don't really expect the Democrats to get the message, and it'd probably be necessary to oust their leadership in a couple years. But the nice arrangement with the Congress is that they face re-election every two years, so there are plenty of opportunities to vote them out.

Meanwhile, I'm thinking I should start a grassroots campaign for President for 2016. I figure if I can convince 7 citizens per year to vote for me, and each person they convince then convinces another 7 each year, and so on, then I should will have convinced most of America to vote for me.


Anonymous said...

I'll vote for you Alan. I'll even work on getting *more* than 7 people to vote for you. I hope you remember this when you're in the White House and I ask about keeping my horse on the lawn (temporarily, of course).

Lindsey said...

What is your platform Alan (besides not molesting teenage pages)? A conservative needs to be pretty good to get my vote... ;-)

Obama 08

Lindsey said...

A sad thing I just realized is that we all will be 35 by did we get so old???

Mike said...

Alright Alan, I'm in. And I'll even toss in some money into the pot. But you have to promise me you will start a llama petting zoo in every city in Alaska - that should curb the rampant theft problems they have right now. Plus the increase in fleas near the North Pole would greatly decrease global warming - which makes baby Jesus cry.

A. Gore
PS My dad invented pants.