Sunday, November 06, 2005

I Need a Hat

Well, I'm supposed to be in bed about 12 minutes ago for my goal of 9 hours of sleep and avoiding my caffeine deprivation headache tomorrow. (I drank caffeine today to put off the headache today.)

But, two quick notes: First, I want a cool hat. I keep being around lulls in conversations where everyone just sits and stares at each other. So I think I need a cool hat - maybe an Abe Lincoln stove pipe hat which friends can put conversation starting questions into. Then when the lulls occur, I can fish out a question and presto, a topic. (And I need questions too.)

Meanwhile I'm trying to put together my thoughts on leadership. A friend asked me a while ago what I thought leadership looked like, especially spiritually. And since I was thoroughly unhappy with my answer, I've been tossing it around. We'll see if I can come up with anything good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you considered a Fedora? ;)

We have a "conversation starter" that we use at my work place called "the barber shop". Basically, everyone who wishes to contribute places questions into a special envelope and later, when we taking a break in the late hours of the night, someone pulls a question out and we discuss it. It can range from "Would you rather..." questions to full-blown story scenerios.