Friday, February 24, 2006

Al Style Personality

Okay...I cave. For everyone's amusement value, here's a personality feedback test you all can take for me. Link to personality test: Just replace the 'Most like me' and 'Least like you' lines with 'Most like Al' and 'Least like Al'.

There are a few rules:
1. E-mail me the results - no fair biasing other by posting them here. If you don't know me well enough to have my e-mail, well, do you really know me well enough to be filling out a personality test for me?
2. You have to *also* take the test for yourself and send me your numbers.
3. Yes, if you want me to send back your results, I will. Unless you are a weird stalker-type person who I don't know, in which case see #1.

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