Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Horrible Timing

Okay, so I was looking for Bible discussion posts and came across this link. It's actually something I've been wrestling with. I'd love to see honest discussion of the topic in church. I'm just a tad concerned that I come across it something like 48 hours after my church's short term mission group returned from abroad. Oh well, let's see how many of them actually follow my blog. :)



Anonymous said...

I do follow your blog, and I have to say, you do have a horrible timing...

Al said...

Yi! You read my blog!! I'm so happy.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, CT's been doing an entire series on the merits/non-merits of STMs. I read the first article in the series before leaving, which was less than cheerful...

And, by the way, I read your blog. :)

Brandi said...

I finally discovered your blog today! Two thoughts come to mind right now. First, I think that perhaps the point of STMs goes beyond increasing overseas giving or even to directly leading people to Christ. Second, I wonder if I would be serving in Köln now if I had not come on an STM here? It would be interesting to chat about this topic sometime given our respective unique blends of pragmatism.