Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Temptation by any other name

I'm amazed how envy and dissatisfaction takes about 2.53 seconds to get a hold in my heart. I was going to the refrigerator to get my packed lunch the other day. (My non-robotically self-made lunch, may I add.) And enroute I encountered the pizza buffet that my work had ordered for the VIP meeting.

And I promptly decided that I wanted pizza.

My next thought was that my own lunch wasn't good enough. (Nevermind that it was cheese & ham sandwiches with mustard on slightly stale bread and a banana. Yes, the slightly stale bread was my fault.) And then I was grumpy at God for providing the VIPs with free pizza and not me. (Nevermind that I earn enough that I could buy pizza; that if I did get a raise, I probably wouldn't buy pizza with it; and that I have other priorities for my money.)

From there, my mind drifted to God holding out on me. Amazing what a few boxes of pizza can bring me to.

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